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What are the safety requirements to drive my car on the track?You must self-tech your car to be allowed on the track. Car must not be leaking any kind of fluids. Battery must be bolted down. No bungee cords! Tires must be of the same manufacturer and tread pattern with more than 2/32 to start the day. Race tires must not have any cords showing. Three point seat belts are fine. Race harnesses are good too if in good condition. The driver must be able to offer the same belts as they are wearing to a passenger.
What will happen to my car?There are wear parts that will see some wear; namely, tires and brakes. Ensure you have enough tread and brake pad to make it through the event. Fresh high temperature (DOT4) brake fluid is recommended. We are content to see you drive your car at a limit you feel comfortable, as long as you do so in a safe manner by maintaining car control and following track rules.
Are these events marque specific?No, we love all cars. At our events we have Mustangs, Lambos, Ferraris, Porsches, Hondas, VWs, Corvettes, and Race Cars of all types. It is kind of a great car show!
I have a car and I like to go fast - how do I get started?First off, welcome to Turn2! You chose a great place to start your high-performance driving journey. We have a whole page just for you called "New to Turn2" under our How do I start? tab that should answer any question you have. If you do have any other questions, please reach out to us! You can contact Matt at 360-359-0968 for new student questions or Ryleigh at 425-786-3901 for registration questions.
Do I need an instructor? Does instruction cost extra?For first-time drivers, full-day instruction is mandatory. First-time drivers will be contacted by the chief driving instructor prior to the event to arrange instruction. For soloed drivers who are seeking additional training, instruction can be purchased for $50 per session. Full-day instruction for new or soloed drivers is $250 for the day.
What happens if I go off track?If you spin your car or have two or more tires leave the track surface, you need to come in to inspect the car and to talk about physics. ​
What are the passing rules?For the beginner/low-intermediate (C) group, we have designated passing zones on the track. In order to pass, a driver must see a point-by from the slower car and pass on the left side only. If you're the slower car, cars cannot pass you until you let them by. This communication is critical for a safe and enjoyable track day. ​ Other run groups have different passing rules. They will be discussed in the drivers meeting on the day of the event. ​
How do I advance to the next run group?To advance from C to B: On the day of the event, connect with the chief driving instructor and request a check ride with an instructor. He will know which instructors are available throughout the day for your check ride. Below are the qualifications to drive in the B group:​ - obeying passing rules (anywhere on track, left side with a point-by) - begin to work on heel-toe (smooth inputs) - consistent line to within 1 foot each lap - lap time (car depending: 2:00 at the Ridge, 1:50 at Qlispe) - all with no electronic babysitters ​ To advance from B to A: On the morning of the event, connect with Tom and request a check ride from him. (If it's a Late Apexing event, find Chris.) Tom (or Chris) will personally do your check ride. Below are the qualifications to drive in the A group: - excellent situational awareness and judgment - perfect heel-toe (smooth inputs) - consistent line to within two inches each lap - lap time (car depending: 1:50 at the Ridge, 1:35 at Qlispe) - all with no electronic babysitters
Is there gas at the track?There are no fuel pumps at The Ridge; however, there are several fuel options in town that are just a mile away. There is a gas station on the property at Qlispe Raceway Park. There are no charging stations at either location.
Can two people share a car?Yes! The process is different depending on the drivers' abilities. If you are sharing the car and driving in different run groups, each driver should register on and keep an eye on the wear parts. ​ If you are sharing the car and driving in the same run group, only one person needs to register. There will be a $50 fee for the additional driver.
Can I bring a passenger?Yes, we love having our qualified drivers show friends and family what we love to do. We request that you drive 7/10, staying well within your driver limits. Passengers must be at least 14 years old, wear a snell certified helmet, and have the same seatbelt system as the driver seat. ​ If a driver spins or loses control with a passenger in the car, the driver will lose passenger privileges and become one of Tom's stories.
Can I run my motorcycle?Yes, we love having motorcycles join us for track days! We have motorcycle events at Qlispe Raceway Park. At the Ridge, there are numerous motorcycle organizations you can take part in.​
How do I pay for events?We take cash, check, and Venmo. If you'd like to pay in advance, checks can be made out to Turn2 and sent to 3718 N Carolwood Ct, Post Falls ID 83854. Or you can send Venmo to @tom-pritchett-4.
When is my registration complete?Your registration is complete once you receive a confirmation email from Ryleigh or Chris outlining payment options, schedule for the day, etc. You should expect to see one of these emails about three weeks before the event, or within 48 hours of your registering if within three weeks of the event.
What should I bring?These are recommendations. Don't stress if it's not practical for you to bring all of these items, they're just things to think about! ​ Personal: - 2015 or 2020 Snell-certified helmet (helmets are available for rent) - whatever the weather might say to bring (sunscreen, sunglasses, rain coat, umbrella, etc.) - jeans (highly recommended!) - close-toed shoes (probably not hiking boots... tennis shoes are great) - water bottle, electrolytes are a good idea - chair - shade, pop-up tents are nice - your friends and some fun energy! ​ Car: - jack - torque wrench - spare brake pads - oil - high-temp brake fluid - tools - duct tape - window cleaner - paper towels/rags - extra set of tires ​ Motorcycles: - full leathers and gloves (required!)
Other questions?If we missed something, let us know! You can reach out to Ryleigh at 425-786-3901 or She'll be happy to answer any questions you might have.

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